Dawn Grace Kelly is a Nelson-based spiritual teacher, mentor and author of the new book Truth Spiritual Love — The Essential Guide to Healing.
For the past 27 years Dawn has been in private practice as a spiritual guide and healer. She teaches lightworkers past life regression, inner child work, channelling, how to work with earthbound spirits, shadow work, tarot and the psychology of the chakras.
Her work includes past and current life regression, spirit connection, intuitive reading, inner-child work and tarot therapy.
Dawn writes regular psycho/spiritual blogs and inspiring articles for magazines.
She is passionate about supporting Lightworkers to come into their power.
You can follow her on –
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dawngracekelly/ where she shares weekly Tarot guidance
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dawn_grace_kelly_
Website http://www.dawngracekelly.com