
Libby Bowles

Libby is a passionate marine conservationist and primary school teacher. She has spent 6 years working in marine conservation, clocking up hundreds of hours underwater studying some of the most enigmatic and endagered animals in the oceans. She was moved to action when confronted first hand with the haunting, brutal effects of plastic pollution in the sea.

As a primary school teacher she has always filled pupils with the belief that they have enormous power to change and improve things they don’t like in the world. So when one of her pupils challenged her one day, asking why she wasn’t doing more to help the ocean, Libby started planning… Her pupils helped brainstorm sustainable transport ideas and designs and 6 months later, Libby set off around the world on her homemade bamboo bicycle to cycle to give school talks on ocean plastics and organising community beach cleans.

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Mark Sixma